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When I was younger, my parents would drop my brother and I off at my Grandparents house for the weekend. I remember my Grandmother had this amazing craft room filled with everything you ever needed to make pretty much anything. That's when I first learned how to tie my basic knots. We made a lot of bracelets and plant hangers mostly, but to be honest, it wasn't a hobby that stuck for too long. It wasn't until a couple of years ago when my daughter was born that I decided to pick it up again. I'm going to be quite frank with you - I was bored as shit at home while my baby slept 9 hour days; so I started making a bunch of DIY projects and watching YouTube videos. I picked it up again while stumbling on some cute fiber art wall pieces on Pinterest and bam! My husband had to teach me how to tie a gathering knot like a boss, but other than that, my muscle memory picked right up and started making gifts for family and friends. In early 2018, I was asked by a local business to make an wholesale order of pacifier clips / teethers. That's when Moon-Phase Macrame was created.

Now, 4 years later I've managed to stay-at-home with my daughter full time, which was the goal.
However, these days I've been yearning for something more fulfilling of out my business.
I'm just here trying to figure it out. You can follow my journey on Instagram @moonphasemacrame